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Scholarships and fees

Programme participation cost

6,000 euro per year

for nationals of European Economic Area (EEA) countries (all EU countries + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and Switzerland

12,000 euro per year

for all other nationalities

The programme participation cost covers the institutional tuition fees, insurance and participation in all teaching activities of the programme, including lab courses, excursions, and master thesis project.


For student intake September 2025, SINReM awards EIT AVSA scholarhips. The scholarships are awarded by the SINReM Student Selection Committee, based on the strength of the academic profile and motivation.

Erasmus Mundus scholarship

SINReM does not award Erasmus Mundus scholarships for student intake September 2025.

EIT AVSA scholarship

The EIT RawMaterials AVSA scholarship is a partial scholarship of 15,000 euro in total for the full 2-year programme.

Students starting SINReM in September 2025 receive the scholarship in allowances of 1,500 euro/month from March 2026 – December 2026 as support for housing, travel and general subsistence.

All nationalities can apply.

The programme participation cost has to be paid by the student and is not included in the scholarship. 

Nationals of European Economic Area (EEA) countries and Switzerland receive a partial waiver for the programme participation cost down to 2,000 euro/year for both years.

The programme participation cost for nationals of other countries is 12,000 euro for the first year. They can apply for a partial programme participation cost waiver down to 4,000 euro for the second year in case all courses have been successfully passed during the first year.

Total cost for self-funding students

The estimated total cost of the SINReM programme for self-funding students is approximately 39,000 euro for nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, and 53,000 euro for all other nationalities.

The estimated total cost includes the programme participation cost, travel costs to/from/within Europe, and living costs of around 1,000 euro per month.

When applying for a student visa, you will have to prove your solvency (i.e. sufficient means of subsistence).

EIT AVSA scholarship holders also have to prove their solvency during the months before the first scholarship installment is received.

Scholarship selection

To award scholarships and academic admission to the SINReM programme, all submitted application files will be reviewed by the SINReM Student Selection Committee, with representatives from all partner universities. Admission and scholarships are awarded based on meeting the academic and language requirements, and motivation.

To set up the scholarship ranking, the Student Selection Committee takes into account not only previous achievements, motivation (including entrepreneurial spirit), but also the scientific background of the applicants, as the SINReM programme aims to work on multidisciplinary projects with a diversity of students having different backgrounds.

Applicants who apply before 28 February 2025, will be notified by e-mail in April 2025 about the academic admission and scholarship selection outcome for intake September 2025.

EEA and Swiss applicants who apply between 28 February and 31 May 2025, will be notified shortly after application about the academic admission and scholarship selection outcome for intake September 2025.

Selected applicants will receive an Admission Letter by the Registrar of Ghent University, necessary for enrollment to SINReM.

All students participating in the SINReM programme will need to sign the Student Agreement prior to the start of the programme.

Feedback and appeal

Each year, more than 500 application files are submitted for the SINReM programme. The admission criteria are clearly listed on this website and no exceptions are made. For intake September 2025, no Erasmus Mundus scholarships can be awarded and 18 EIT AVSA scholarships will be awarded. 

The Student Selection Committee with representatives of all participating universities screens all files and award the scholarships based on objective criteria.

If you would not agree with the outcome of the Student Selection Committee, an appeal can be filed to sinrem@ugent.be. The decision of the Committee will not be changed unless the applicant can prove that the Committee made an objective mistake during evaluating the candidate.